Re: trojans on ftp sites

der Mouse (
Sat, 14 May 1994 22:02:24 -0400

>>> Christopher Klaus put out the idea about changing the archie daemon
>>> to detect tampered files [...]
>> The problem is, how would the Archie servers determine the
>> checksums?
> Easy.  modify the 'ls' on each ftp site to automatically do a
> checksum.  [...]

I'd much rather have something like an XCKS command.  Proposed syntax:

XCKS method pathname

where "method" could be something like "CRC16", "MD5", etc, and
"pathname" is of course the name of the file whose checksum is desired.
I propose that the checksum method name be specced to be

Replies, aside from usual errors like 500 (if XCKS isn't recognized) or
530 (if not logged in):

504 That checksum method not implemented here.
213 xxxx

(where xxxx is the appropriate checksum in some typical form, such as
hexadecimal - perhaps "method" could say, eg MD5-HEX or MD5-BASE64).
Maybe it would be better to use a new code (216, say) rather than
overloading 213.

					der Mouse